Introducing the Open Supply Chain Information Modeling (osim) Technical Committee

OSIM is a great advancement towards a more secure and resilient supply chain ecosystem.
Cisco Machine Learning Blog 12:24 am on June 3, 2024

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The Open Supply-Chain Information Modeling (OSIM) Technical Committee was announced to enhance supply chain management efficiency and security through standardized, cohesive guidelines. The committee will produce value propositions, models standards, implementation guides, and open-source tools/resources for broader adoption of their work.

  • Technical Committee Announcement: OSIM TC's formation to standardize supply chain information modeling.
  • Objective: Efficient and secure supply chains via cohesive, guiding standards.
  • Key Deliverables: Value propositions, models standards, implementation guides, open-source resources.
  • Industry Involvement: Consortium led by Cisco with participation from key industry entities like AT&T and GoogLee.
  • Previous Contributions: Omar Santos as chair of CSAF and founder/co-chair of OpenEoX, demonstrating experience in relevant standards.
Category Selection: Anthropic

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