Top Sql Queries for Data Scientists

SQL seems like a data science underdog compared to Python and R. However, it's far from itSQL seems like a data science underdog compared to Python and R. However, it's far from it.
KDnuggets 12:24 am on June 3, 2024

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The provided text discusses SQL query examples useful for data scientists, including finding best-selling products and calculating moving averages. The importance of window functions, subqueries, CTEs, date handling, and filtering results is highlighted. These techniques aid in aggregation and complex analysis within the realm of data science tasks.

  • Data Analysis Techniques: SQL queries for sales analysis and moving averages.
  • Window Functions & CTEs: Tools for complex data manipulation.
  • Practical Applications: Business use cases showcasing the practicality of SQL in data science.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Insights from Nate Rosidi, a seasoned data scientist and instructor.
  • Resource Promotion: Invitation to subscribe for newsletters and ebooks on SQL and Data Science trends.

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