Goodbye, Humans: I'll Talk to Chatgpt More Than People Pretty Soon

Talking to AI chatbots like ChatGPT via text and voice is increasingly more natural, and that will change how we
NewsNow ChatGPT 7:48 pm on May 23, 2024

ChatGPT advancements promise more human-like interactions with AIs through text and voice, potentially reducing screen time in favor of convenient conversation for tasks like searching the web or interacting with personal devices. Personalized AIs from giants like Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI could become integral to our computing experience, offering immediate responses and a preference shift towards voice interaction.

  • Human-like AI Interactions:
  • Reduction of Screen Time Through Convenient AI Communication:
  • Integration into Everyday Computing:
  • Shift Towards Voice Interaction Preference:
  • Personalized AI from Industry Leaders:

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