Google's Ai Overviews Are Already Off the Rails

A Google AI Overview suggests adding glue to your pizza. You read that right.
Digital Trends 7:48 pm on May 23, 2024

Original content from Digital Trends highlights Google I/O 2024 unveilings: - Introduced new Gemini 1.5 Pro for multimodal AI applications in diverse formats (images, audio, text). - Features extended context window, enhanced data analysis capabilities, and integrations with Google's ecosystem. - Showcased the 'AI Teammate', which can be customized within a company's virtual workspace for various tasks like project monitoring or communication facilitation. - Announced Veo, an AI model capable of transforming text prompts into videos and currently in testing with creators. - Mentioned Google's generative AI video technology collaboration with Donald Glover (Childish Gambin).

  • Gemini 1.5 Pro:
  • Enhanced multimodal capabilities for diverse content formats.
  • Extended context window and advanced data analysis features.
  • AI Teammate integration within Google Workspace, with customizable tasks and access.
  • Veo AI model: Turn text prompts into videos in collaboration with Donald Glover.
  • Google's commitment to advancing generative AI technologies.

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