Euclid Space Telescope Reveals Exquisite Images Of Dark Universe

Astronomers have spotted dozens of rogue planets floating free from their stars
The Irish Times 7:48 pm on May 23, 2024

The European Space Agency (ESA) launched the Euclid space telescope in July 2020 with the aim of investigating dark matter and energy, enabling a comprehensive mapping of the universe's large-scale structure. Consortium-led by over 1,600 members from 34 countries, Euclid comprises thousands of galaxies within its observing range. The consortium includes researchers like Prof Peter Coles from Maynooth University, and despite only having images released after a calibration phase, the data promises to revolutionize our understanding of cosmology by providing unprecedented clarity compared to ground-based telescopic observations (

  • Euclid Launch: ESA launched Euclid in 2020 to study dark matter and energy.
  • Consortium Composition: Consortium includes over 1,600 members from 34 countries.
  • Researcher Highlights: Prof Peter Coles is part of the consortium researching large-scale structure.
  • Data Promise: New images show potential for revolutionary cosmology insights.
  • Comparative Clarity: Euclid's telescope captures images four times sharper than ground-based counterparts.
) Categorization of the text: Anthropic, Open AI

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