Bbva Partners With Openai to Utilize Chatgpt for Market Analysis

BBVA has partnered with OpenAI, allowing employees to use ChatGPT's APIs for market analysis and decision-making. 1:53 pm on May 23, 2024

BBVA collaborates with OpenAI to leverage ChatGPT for market analysis and decision-making. The partnership focuses on augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing them, promoting innovation in financial services. With investments in data governance companies like ActiveNav, BBVA emphasizes the transformative potential of AI in fintech.

  • Partnership with OpenAI: BBVA and OpenAI collaborate to integrate ChatGPT for market analysis.
  • Human-Centric Approach: The use of AI is intended to enhance employee productivity and decision-making, not replace them.
  • Innovation in Financial Services: BBVA commits to pioneering innovations through exploring new technologies like generative AI.
  • Data Governance Investments: BBVA invests in ActiveNav, an industry leader in data governance.
  • AI Impact on Fintech: Generative AI is considered a game-changer for customer service and employee creativity.

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