Bing Search Is Down; Takes Down Duckduckgo, Ecosia, Chatgpt Search & More

Bing Search is currently down and/or having massive latency issuesBing Search is currently down and/or having massive latency issues.
Search Engine Roundtable 1:53 pm on May 23, 2024

Bing Search has been experiencing significant downtime and issues, affecting various services like Microsoft Copilot, DuckDuckGo, Ecosi, ChatGPT Search. The error state included loading errors or sparse search results on the Bing homepage. To resolve this, Microsoft transitioned to alternate service components around 7:35 pm ET for expedited recovery.

  • Bing Service Downtime: Large-scale issues across multiple platforms.
  • Impact on Services: DuckDuckGo, Ecosi, and ChatGPT Search were affected.
  • Resolution Strategy: Transitioning requests to alternate service components for recovery.
  • Error Page Experience: Users encountered error messages like the Panda error screen.
  • Ongoing Status Update: Bing services are reportedly back, though some users continue to face issues.
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