Bbva Partners Openai to Deploy Chatgpt Among Its Employees

Spanish banking giant BBVA has partnered with ChatGPT developer OpenAI to distribute generative AI tools among its
FinTech Futures 1:53 pm on May 23, 2024

The provided text announces various funding for M Series C to aid US expansion of fintech companies such as Hexure, Gryphon Fund Group, and more. It also details upcoming events, media coverage, and industry trends through podcasts and videos.

  • Funding Announcement:
  • Various M Series C fundings aimed at expanding US fintech presence.
  • Events & Conferences:
  • List of upcoming events, including the Banking Tech Awards USA and FinTech Founders Video series.
  • Media Content:
  • Summarized media content from fintech news articles, reports, and white papers.
  • Industry Trends & Innovation:
  • Insights into the latest trends such as AI in cybersecurity, banking transformation, and digital marketplaces from BaaS to annuities.

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