The Ultimate Guide to Making Sense Of Data

Lessons from 10 years at Uber, Meta and High-Growth Startups
Towards Data Science 3:02 pm on June 4, 2024

The provided text details effective strategies for diagnosing performance issues in metrics by decomposing data and segmentation across various dimensions, using a concrete example from DoorDash. This structured approach allows businesses to pinpoint root causes accurately, leading to more targeted solutions.

  • Diagnostic Strategy: Decomposing metrics and segmenting data to identify specific trends.
  • Example Application: Using DoorDash's delivery request data to pinpoint issues in courier availability.
  • Efficiency Gain: Enables precise deployment of resources and efforts, avoiding overgeneralization.
  • Mitigates Misleading Trends: Addresses mix shifts and Simpson's Paradox to reveal the true underlying trend.

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