School Of Engineering Welcomes New Faculty

Fifteen new faculty members join six of the MIT School of Engineering's academic departments in 2024.
MIT News Machine learning 7:16 pm on May 23, 2024

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**Summary (Under 100 words):** Dr. Mullainathan joins Harvard and later Chicago as a professor in EECS with a focus on machine learning applications to societal problems, having earned his degrees from Cornell and Harvard. Alex Rives will be at NYU's EECS faculty starting September, specializing in AI for scientific understanding and biology after receiving BS degrees from Yale and completing his PhD from NYU. Sungho Shin joins the Chemical Engineering department of Argonne National Lab post-PhD work there while focusing on control theories applied to complex systems; previously at Seoul National University and UW Madison. Jessica Stark, with a BS in chemical engineering from Cornell and PhD from Northwestern, will join MIT's Biological Engineering department as an assistant professor, researching immunotherapy through glycan manipulation for cancer therapies. Thomas Zardini is set to begin his role at the Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty of MIT in September, bringing expertise in soft materials design and decision making for complex systems infrastructures. **Bullet Points (HTML):**

  • Mullainathan: Joins Harvard then Chicago EECS department with focus on machine learning applications, holding BS from Cornell and PhD from Harvard.
  • Rives: NYU post-doctoral scholar starting September in AI for science & biology, holds BS degrees from Yale and a PhD from NYU.
  • Shin: Argonne National Lab faculty member with Cornell BS and UW Madison PhD researching control theory applications to infrastructures, previously at Seoul NSU.
  • Stark: MIT's Biological Engineering assistant professor, exploring glycan manipulation for cancer immunotherapies, holds BS from Cornell and PhD from Northwestern.
  • Zardini: Joins Civil & Environmental Engineering at MIT in September, researches soft material design, infrastructures decision-making.

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