Datalike: Interview With Wuraola Oyewusi

AIhub 1:53 pm on May 23, 2024

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Wuraola Oyewusi is a Data Scientist with experience in natural language processing and healthcare applications of unstructured data, contributing to educational content. She started her data career by exploring job descriptions that matched her skills and applied for positions accordingly, like LinkedIn courses where she gained significant exposure. One memorable project includes deriving a scoring method from text annotations in medical datasets and teaching AI concepts in Yoruba. Her background in pharmacy enriches her data science work with practical lab experience and clinical knowledge.

  • Data Science Expert: Wuraola Oyewusi, an experienced Data Scientist specializing in natural language processing and healthcare applications.
  • Professional Beginnings: She began her data journey by reviewing job descriptions that piqued her interest, such as a data analyst role at LinkedIn learning. Her application led to valuable exposure through their instructor recruitment and academic contribution.
  • Memorable Project: Developing a text annotation scoring method for medical labeling tasks, coupled with her efforts in educating about AI through Yoruba language articles.
  • Pharmacy Background: Provides practical experience and familiarity with healthcare terminology, which she incorporates into her data science work to enhance understanding of clinical datasets.
  • Advice for Aspiring Data Professionals: Perseverance in deepening one's expertise within their chosen field, as evidenced by Oyewusi' Writings.

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