News Corp Signs Lucrative Content Deal With Chatgpt Maker Openai

WA Today 12:52 pm on May 23, 2024

WAtoday News Corp and OpenAI announce a content deal for ChatGPT integration in media publications, potentially worth over $250M. The agreement includes sharing journalistic expertise to uphold high standards. Other companies are also partnering with OpenAI; however, some publishers have objections regarding copyright use.

  • <h3>Media & Content Deal: News Corp and ChatGPT Collaboration</h3>
  • <h4>Potential Value of $250M Over Five Years</h4>
  • <h4>Journalistic Expertise Sharing Agreement</h4>
  • <h4>Publisher Partnerships and Copyright Concerns</h4>
  • <h4>OpenAI's Strategic Content Collaborations</h4>

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