News Corp. and Openai Strike 'multi Year Global Partnership' Deal to Use Journalistic Content to Improve Chatgpt

CNBC 12:52 pm on May 23, 2024

On May 22, OpenAI and News Corp announced a partnership allowing OpenAI access to News Corp's content for use in ChatGPT, enhancing product training with journalistic expertise. Reddit also joined the trend by offering similar AI capabilities through its platform.

  • Partnership Formation: OpenAI and News Corp formed a global partnership on May 22, 2024.
  • Content Access Agreement: OpenAI gains access to current and archived News Corp content within ChatGPT responses.
  • Journalism Expertise Sharing: News Corp commits to sharing journalistic expertise with OpenAI.
  • Reddit's Similar Partnership: Reddit partnersed with OpenAI, granting access to its data and integrating AI features.
  • Advantages for Training Models: These collaborations aim to enhance the training of AI models by leveraging vast content libraries from reputable sources.

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