Llm Handbook: Strategies and Techniques for Practitioners

How good are LLMs? Are we ready to trust and use them confidently in our workflows?
KDnuggets 2:23 pm on May 24, 2024

The provided text outlines best practices for leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), including ensuring information reliability by cross-verifying sources, questioning validity with contrarian perspectives, and being mindful of ethical considerations. It emphasizes starting from business objectives, choosing appropriate models based on size and purpose, experimenting iteratively, understanding prompt engineering for model efficacy, and the importance of security in utilizing LLMs.

  • Cross-Verify Information: Verify sources to ensure information reliability.
  • Question Validity: Consider contrarian views to challenge assumptions and gather evidence against incorrect assertions.
  • Start with Business Goals: Prioritize business objectives, set clear goals and metrics for LLM implementations.
  • Choose Appropriate Models: Select the right LLM tool considering size, open-source options, and computational resources needs.
  • Iterative Experiments: Engage in multiple experiments to refine use cases and improve performance iteratively.


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