5 Free Ai Playgrounds for You to Try in 2024

Access Mistral, OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Meta, Groq, Cohere, and more AI models for free.
KDnuggets 2:23 pm on May 24, 2024

The text outlines various resources for exploring artificial intelligence (AI) models and tools, highlighting the Hugging Face Spaces page as a gateway to diverse AI capabilities. It mentions specific recommendations like using free vector databases, end-to-end MLOps platforms, top AI coding assistants, data visualization libraries, and beginner guides for natural language processing. Additionally, it offers promotions on ebooks related to these technologies.

  • Hugging Face Spaces Page: Provides access to free and open-source AI models.
  • Various Free Tools: Offers a range of vector databases, MLOps platforms, and coding assistants for learning and experimentation.
  • Data Visualization Libraries & Educational Content: Lists free data visualization tools and promotes educational ebooks for AI enthusiasts.
  • Newsletter Promotion: Invites readers to subscribe and receive newsletters on Data Science, Machine Learning, and Analytics.
  • Community & Resources: Highlights the Hacker News post for community engagement and learning from shared experiences in AI applications.


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