James Muldoon: What Chatgpt Has Done to Scarlett Johansson Should Scare Us All

OpenAI's much-criticised decision to use a Scarlett Johansson-like voice for its new chatbot, despite the actress's
The Irish Independent 7:06 pm on May 21, 2024

The article discusses Lorraine Courtney and Laurie Kellman's views on political repercussions following Biden's debate performance against Trump, the impact of recent student protests on college trust, John Daly's take on Irish weddings, Mary Kenny's transition from admiration to working with Jamie Dornan and Cat Deeley.

  • Biden-Trump debate analysis
  • Impact of student protests on college trust
  • Views on Irish weddings
  • Career transition from admiration to working with celebrities
  • News on notable figures' life events and updates


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