Incensed Scarlett Johansson Accuses Chatgpt Of Stealing 'her' Voice

Scarlett Johansson wants to know why ChatGPT's newest voice sounds exactly like her, even though she turned down Sam
Pajiba 7:06 pm on May 21, 2024

Scarlett Johansson has accused ChatGPT of stealing her voice after rebuffing offers from OpenAI to use it for the virtual assistant Sk. Despite claims by OpenAI that another unnamed actress voiced Sk, they have since suspended its use and are seeking answers regarding its development process.

  • Scarlett Johansson's accusation:
  • ChatGPT voice allegedly resembles her.
  • Johansson declined OpenAI's proposal to use her voice for Sk.
  • OpenAI cites another actress as the source of Sk's voice but suspended its usage post-accusation.
  • The situation highlights consent and ethical concerns in technology development.

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