Why It Leaders Are Evolving the Network Into a High Performance Digital Engine

The new 2024 Global Networking Trends Report is a compelling look at networking readiness among global IT organizationsThe new 2024 Global Networking Trends Report is a compelling look at networking readiness among global IT organizations.
Cisco Machine Learning Blog 5:16 pm on May 22, 2024

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In this excerpt from Cisco Blogs dated May 2, 2024, IT leaders are transforming the network into a high-performance digital engine, driven by the demands of evolving digital experiences and business transformation. They face challenges like complex architectures and cybersecurity threats but see value in adopting platform-based solutions for better management and efficiency. The report from Cisco highlights key trends, with AI as a crucial enabler to handle operational tasks and deliver digital experiences securely and effectively.

  • Digital Transformation of Networks:
  • Challenges Faced by IT Leaders:
  • Adoption of Platform-based Solutions:
  • AI as an Enabler for Operational Efficiency:
  • Cisco's Insights on Key Trends:


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