Where to Go Next in Your Data Career

We are all looking for the right opportunities in our careerWe are all looking for the right opportunities in our career.
KDnuggets 5:16 pm on May 22, 2024

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Considering career paths in data science, one can choose technical or business tracks, with transitions between them based on interests and learning opportunities. The field is expanding, offering abundant roles for growth. Stan Pugsley advises navigating the evolving data landscape to find appealing job prospects within an array of emerging career paths.

  • Career Path Choice: Select between technical and business tracks, allowing flexibility for later transitions.
  • Industry Growth: Recognize the expanding data field with increasing opportunities and roles to explore.
  • Learning & Adaptation: Learn about desired career paths through education or self-study, preparing for future roles.
  • Startups vs. Established Firms: Understand that startups may offer unique executive opportunities compared to larger companies.
  • Advisory Role: Stan Pugsley offers guidance for data science professionals navigating their career trajectories.


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