Weightmans and Its Product Focused Approach to Legal Innovation

For UK-based Weightmans one key way to make legal tech achieve the firm's goals is to develop productised servicesFor UK-based Weightmans one key way to make legal tech achieve the firm's goals is to develop productised services.
Artificial Lawyer 12:24 am on June 3, 2024

Weightmans has shifted towards innovation and product development by forming Innovation Partnerships to directly address client needs, leading to bespoke legal tech solutions. This pivot emphasizes commercial ventures over traditional partnership roles. Notable products include "Transport Manager Comply," aiding fleet management GDPR compliance without data storage, showcasing the firm's capacity for creating marketable and regulatory-compliant services that offer value to both clients and the legal industry at large.

  • Shift to Innovation:
  • Innovation Partnerships: Directly addressing client needs for bespoke solutions.
  • Bespoke Legal Tech Solutions: Product-focused innovation, like "Transport Manager Comply," aiding fleet management without data storage.
  • Commercial Ventures: New revenue streams through product sales and professional marketing support.
  • Regulatory-Compliant Services: Provides value to clients with products that also assist in compliance issues.


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