Shifting Gender Stereotypes: Ten Years Of Women Rock It

Cisco Networking Academy marks a decade of empowering women in tech through its Women Rock-IT initiative, with a 35
Cisco Machine Learning Blog 2:16 pm on May 30, 2024

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Emma Reid highlights Cisco Networking Academy's ten-year Women Rock-IT initiative, aimed at fostering gender equality in tech. Notable progress includes a 27% increase of women participants globally and key insights from diverse speakers on thriving in technology fields. The program supports AI education, with girls particularly keen to learn about its implications.

  • Initiative Overview:
  • Women Rock-IT at Cisco Networking Academy - Ten Years & Growth
  • Key Points:
  • Increase in women participation: Global rise from 20% to 27%
  • Speaker Insights & AI Education: Valuable discussions on the role of women, and growing interest among females for AI-related knowledge
  • Girls in ICT Day: Huge reach and inspiring event impacting thousands, promoting involvement in tech.
  • Volunteering Initiative: Cisco volunteers organized numerous events to encourage girls' engagement with technology.

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