Securing Meraki Networks With Cisco Xdr

Discover how the Cisco XDR and Meraki MX integration provides advanced threat detection and network insightsDiscover how the Cisco XDR and Meraki MX integration provides advanced threat detection and network insights.
Cisco Machine Learning Blog 12:16 pm on June 6, 2024

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Meraki Networks integration with Cisco XDR enhances network security by providing real-time threat monitoring and cross-platform visibility, enabling proactive incident resolution.

  • Real-Time Threat Monitoring: Meraki's telemetry data feeds directly into Cisco XDR.
  • Cross-Platform Visibility: Meraki MX devices contribute to a comprehensive security overview within the network ecosystem.
  • Incident Management: Integrated incident management tools streamline response efforts directly from the Meraki dashboard.
  • Future Expansion: Plans to extend similar integrations include Meraki Switching and Wireless products, expanding security across Cisco's portfolio.
Category: Anthropic (given the focus on human-centric network management)

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