Say Goodbye to Print(): Use Logging Module for Effective Debugging

Improve your debugging skills with Python's built-in logging module
KDnuggets 4:05 pm on May 28, 2024

The article discusses using logging in Python for effective debugging and maintenance of code by demonstrating how to log an HTTP POST request with incorrect credentials, which results in an invalid username or password error. It emphasizes the importance of logging as part of coding routines for cleanliness and easier debugging. The text also touches on personal achievements and affiliations of a contributor named Kanwal Mehreen Kanwal, including her involvement in machine learning and data science advocacy.

  • Logging Use Case: Illustrates logging invalid login attempts due to incorrect credentials using curl commands.
  • Importance of Logging: Highlights the role of logs in maintaining clean code and simplifying debugging processes.
  • Contributor Profile: Shares details about Kanwal Mehreen Kanwal, including her career accomplishments and advocacy for women in STEM fields.
  • Online Resources Promotion: Invites readers to subscribe to newsletters offering free data science materials.
  • Diverse Technology Platforms Mentioned: References Google's contributions in AI and Analytics, along with other tech-related initiatives by Kanwal.

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