Quantize Llama 3 8b With Bitsandbytes to Preserve Its Accuracy

Llama 2 vs. Llama 3 vs. Mistral 7B, quantized with GPTQ and Bitsandbytes
Towards Data Science 8:31 pm on May 27, 2024

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Quantized Llama 3 reduces model size for GPU compatibility using Bitsandbytes without GPTQ, preserving accuracy over other models like Llama 2 and Mistral 7. Benjamin Marie discusses LLM quantization as a compression method in an article published by Towards Data Science.

  • Quantized Llama 3 uses Bitsandbytes for size reduction
  • Preserves accuracy compared to Llama 2 and Mistral 7
  • No need for GPTQ, enhancing GPU compatibility
  • Benjamin Marie authored the Towards Data Science article
  • LLM quantization serves as a model compression method


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