Openai's Scarlett Johansson Controversy

OpenAI is facing serious backlash after allegations it used actress Scarlett Johansson's voice for one of the voices in
Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute 4:05 pm on May 28, 2024

OpenAI faces criticism over using actress Scarlett Johansson's voice in their GPT-4o model, leading to public trust issues and negative perception. Despite denying the likeness as Johansson, prior hiring of a voice actress complicates matters. This incident is among other questionable actions by OpenAI that have raised concerns about ethical conduct and governance.

  • OpenAI's GPT-4o controversy
  • Alleged voice resemblance to Scarlett Johansson raises trust issues.
  • Prior hiring of a separate voice actress adds complexity.
  • Repeated PR mishaps by OpenAI affect public perception and industry reputation.
  • Implications for AI trustworthiness and company governance in broader context

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