Monitor Your File System With Pythons Watchdog

Track your file system for changes, such as additions, deletions, movements, or modifications, using Python's WatchDog.
KDnuggets 2:43 pm on June 5, 2024

This watchdog script automatically runs tests using pytest when Python file changes are detected using the Watchdog library. The provided code includes test cases for addition and subtraction operations within ``.

  • <div><h3>Watchdog Script Overview</h3><p>The provided script,, automates running Python tests when changes in specific files are detected.
  • <div><h3>Test Cases for Addition and Subtraction</h3><p>Contains test cases within the tests/ file that validate addition and subtraction operations using pytest framework.
  • <div><h3>Test Cases in Test Class</h3><pre> import pytest class TestExample: def test_add(): assert add(1, 2) == 3 ... </pre>
  • <div><h3>Test Runner Execution</h3><p>Watchdog script continuously monitors file system changes and runs tests, showing test results in the terminal.

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