Microsoft Outage Affects Bing, Copilot, Duckduckgo, and Chatgpt

The company is aware of the issue and working to fix it.
Mashable 3:15 am on May 24, 2024

Microsoft outage affects Bin, Copilo, DuckDuckG, and ChatGPT, with impacted services including Bing, Copilot features requiring searches, DuckDuckGo, and ChatGPT's internet browsing feature. Microsoft is working on mitigation efforts after the issue arose following recent updates announced at Microsoft Build.

  • Microsoft outage impacting Bin, Copilo, DuckDuckG, and ChatGPT.
  • Affects Bing, Copilot search-related features, DuckDuckGo browsing errors, and ChatGPT's internet accessibility issue.
  • Issue post recent Microsoft Build updates announcement.
  • Microsoft actively addressing the problem with mitigation efforts.
  • Increased outage reports for DuckDuckGo and Bing on social platforms.

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