Mastering Statistical Tests

Towards Data Science 4:52 pm on May 21, 2024

The document outlines common statistical tests and their applications in data analysis: one-sample t-tests for single populations, two independent samples t-tests & Chi-square goodness of fit to examine relationships between dependent/independent variables; paired/Wilcoxon signed-rank test/McNemar's for related groups/categorical outcomes when normality assumptions are violated.

  • Overview: Discusses statistical tests in data analysis, addressing single and paired samples.
  • One-Sample T-tests: Applicable to analyzing a population's parameter with known mean.
  • Two Independent Samples t-Tests & Chi-Square Goodness of Fit: Used for comparing means/relationships between groups.
  • Paired T-tests, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test, McNemar's Test: Alternatives when normality assumptions are not met.
  • Decision Making: Based on p-value to accept or reject null hypothesis.

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