Looking Ahead to the Ai Seoul Summit

DeepMind 2:59 am on May 23, 2024

Tom Lu from Google DeepMind highlights the importance of International Scientific Reports for Advanced AI safety as part of the AI Seoul Summit, suggesting a permanent stature similar to the IPCC. It'll contribute to evidence-based policymaking and avoid duplicative international governance efforts by establishing best practices in evaluations and a coherent framework. The FMF is engaging with AI Safety Institutes on safety testing, aiming for global collaboration through summit roadmaps and shared frameworks for risk management, seeking to prevent fragmentation that could hinder innovation or safety.

  • Importance of Scientific Reports: Emphasizes the role in informing policymaking.
  • Call for a Permanent Stature: Proposes an established international body to govern AI safety, inspired by IPCC model.
  • Standardizing Evaluations: Collaboration among AI Safety Institutes and FMF on developing benchmarks.
  • Global Framework Development: Summit roadmaps aimed at standardized risk management for future AI.
  • Preventing Fragmentation: Uniting international efforts to avoid harmful outcomes and maintain innovation in the field.
Category selection based on context: Anthropic, Large Language Models

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