Interview With Henok Biadglign Ademtew: Creating an Amharic, Geez and English Parallel Dataset

AIhub 11:46 am on June 4, 2024

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AIhub's research team fine-tuned a pre-trained model with 600 million parameters, resulting in impressive Geez translation scores. The future includes expanding the dataset and digitalizing religious texts.

  • Fine-Tuning Model: Utilized a distilled version of a pre-trained model to achieve high Bleu scores for Amharic-Geez, Geez-Amharic, and Gee to Respectively.
  • Future Plans: Expand datasets and digitize religious texts from the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
  • Platform Development: Created a platform for translator submissions and review.
  • Acknowledgments: AIhub's work is supported by donations from MBZUAI, indicating collaborative funding efforts.

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