In Photos: Watch the Full ‘flower Moon' and a Massive Red Star Rise

May's full "Flower Moon" and the red supergiant star Antares rose together on Thursday evening across the
Forbes 3:47 pm on May 24, 2024

The Flower Moon rises over Greece and Antares, the large red star in Scorpius constellation, appears orangey-red to us due to its size. It's often confused with Mars because of their color similarities; Antares means 'rival to Ares'. Tides are highest during full moons when Earth's orbit and moon phases align every 29.5 days. The next Flower Moon is the Strawberry Moon on June 21, following the northern summer solstice.

  • Flower Moon illuminates Greece
  • Antares resembles Mars and symbolizes 'rival to Ares' in Greek mythology
  • Spring tides occur at full moon, aligning Earth's orbit with lunar phases every 29.5 days
  • Strawberry Moon upcoming on June 21st marks the northern summer solstice
  • Antares is a prominent red star in Scorpius constellation and notably large to astronomers

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