In Depth Support Vector Machines (svms) for Linear & Non Linear Classification & Regression

Towards Data Science 11:23 am on May 22, 2024

In-Depth Support Vector M (SVMs) analysis reveals SVM's utility in both linear and non-linear classification as well as regression, with its core functionality not fully disclosed.

  • Overview: Examination of Support Vector Machines for diverse tasks.
  • Functionality: SVM's role in classification and regression, highlighting its dual-application nature.
  • SVM Basics: Brief insight into the foundational workings of Support Vector Machines.
  • Author Credentials: Rukshan Pramoditha, a writer for Towards Data Science with 00,000+ views and a BSc in Statistics background.
  • Content Presentation: Text accompanied by a follow count of 7.1K, indicating popularity within the data science community.

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