How to Use Openais Custom Gpts to Help You Apply for Jobs

Discover how you can use a custom GPT to streamline repetitive tasks like creating cover letters when applying for jobs.
Towards Data Science 5:38 pm on June 4, 2024

The article by Jesse Freeman discusses utilizing OpenAI's custom GPT models to simplify job application tasks, such as cover letter creation. It reflects on a past Career Buyer commercial and offers insights from Freeman's experience in technology marketing.

  • Custom GPT Utilization: Explore the use of OpenAI custom models to ease job application tasks.
  • Productivity Enhancement: Drawing from personal insights, it emphasizes productivity in professional settings.
  • Tech Marketing Perspective: Shares the author's experience as Akamai Sr. Director of Technical Marketing and Pixel Vision creator.
  • Reflection on Employment Commercials: Recalls a Career Builder Super Bowl commercial highlighting job dissatisfaction.

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