Hard Numbers: Scarlett Johansen's Voice on Chatgpt, Sony Music's Warning, Energy Drain, Stability Ai's Instability,…

2: Film star Scarlett Johansson turned down OpenAI's Sam Altman twice when he asked to use her voice for ChatGPT's
GZERO Media 7:06 pm on May 21, 2024

In brief, Sony Music opted out of using its content for training artificial intelligence models in response to OpenAI's use of Scarlett Johansson's voice in ChatGPT applications. Microsoft saw a 30% increase in energy usage between 2020-2023 due to AI development, affecting its carbon negativity goals. Stability AI explored selling for cash amidst financial struggles, valuing at $1 billion. Meanwhile, the US political scene and global politics were briefly touched upon without specific details.

  • Sony Music's AI content restriction
  • Microsoft experiences a significant energy usage increase for AI development
  • Stability AI considers sale amidst financial difficulties, valued at $1 billion
  • Political overview with no specifics provided
  • OpenAI uses Scarlett Johansson's voice for ChatGPT models


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