Google Says the Wild Mistakes in Ai Overviews Are Just ‘isolated Examples'

Google's new AI Overviews in Search are confidently spitting out misinformation in mistakes the company says are
9to5Google 3:47 pm on May 24, 2024

**Summary (Under 100 words):** 9to5Google reports isolated errors in Google Search's AI Overviews feature, generating incorrect information such as applying glue to pizza. Despite the frequency of these mistakes, they are not common and represent uncommon queries. These issues prompted a discussion on whether users can disable this default setting, although it cannot be turned off at present. Advertisements may soon accompany these AI Overviews.

  • Isolated Errors: Google Search's AI Overview feature has been generating incorrect information on rare occasions.
  • User Inquiries and Misinformation: Examples of misleading results include using glue on pizza, questionable health advice, and misrepresented geographical facts.
  • Discussion on Feature Control: Users expressed concerns about not being able to disable the AI Overview feature, though it cannot currently be turned off.
  • Anticipated Ad Integration: Upcoming ads are expected to accompany these AI-generated summaries in Search results.
  • Quality Improvement and Public Trust: Google acknowledges the mistakes as rare occurrences, using them for refining the feature.

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