From Seoul Summit, Eu Laws Approval to New Deals: This Week in Ai

With the AI Seoul Summit 2024 on its second day and a major pledge by the 16 AI companies to develop the technology
Daily Sabah 5:16 pm on May 22, 2024

France signed a strategic partnership in artificial intelligence (AI) with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), aiming to boost economic cooperation, particularly within technology sectors. Key players and investments are highlighted, including Microsoft's significant $1.5 billion AI tech firm G42 investment.

  • Artificial Intelligence Partnership: France and the UAE signed a "strategic partnership" focused on boosting cooperation within artificial intelligence.
  • Economic Impact: The agreement is expected to foster economic growth by facilitating investments, technology exchanges, and attracting foreign capital.
  • Government Representatives: Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire announced the partnership on a delegation visit from France to Abu Dhabi.
  • International Investments: The UAE and Saudi Arabia are competing for their share in AI, while European entities like Mistral A, VivaTec's startup event, and Sanofis partnership with OpenAI and Formation Bio are also involved.
  • Future Engagements: Upcoming events include the Choose France Summit and AI-focused gatherings in Seoul, along with other tech investments and collaborations.
Category selection: Artificial Intelligence Partnership Large Language Models

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