Exploring the Intersection Of Ai and Security

TechSpective Podcast Episode 132   The rapid adoption of generative AI technologies like ChatGPT has taken the tech
TechSpectiveArtificial Intelligence 7:25 pm on June 4, 2024

In this episode, Tony Bradley discusses with Adobe's Gurpartap Sandhu the cautious yet innovative approach to AI in security. They explore applications like code auto-repair and threat scaling, stressing a dual mandate of minimizing risks while leveraging AI for improved cybersecurity measures. The discussion highlights hands-on experimentation with AI tools and emphasizes community engagement for navigating the evolving AI landscape.

  • AI & Security:
  • Adobe's balanced approach to minimizing risks and leveraging AI.
  • Practical applications in security like code auto-repair.
  • Importance of hands-on experimentation with AI technology.


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