Expense Reimbursement Simplified

Here's everything you need to know about employee expense reimbursement process, and the ways to tackle challenges
Nanonets 2:44 pm on June 5, 2024

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Nanonets provides Flow, an expense reimbursement software with automation capabilities for categorizing, amount verification, and department routing of claims using OCR technology. It streamlines workflows through timely alerts, integration with accounting systems, and intelligent data extraction from documents to facilitate faster reimbursements.

  • Automated Claim Routing: Flow uses advanced OCR for categorizing expenses automatically.
  • Timely Alerts & Notifications: It sends reminders to approvers, preventing tasks from falling through the cracks.
  • Integration with Accounting Systems: Facilitates seamless transfer of approved expenses into accounting ledgers.
  • Expense Document Data Extraction: Automated data extraction from receipts and invoices using AI-based OCR and ML models.


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