Daily Marijuana Use Surpasses Alcohol in the Us for the First Time, Data Shows

propertyog:description =Survey data reveals that in 2022, millions of Americans reported daily or near-daily marijuana
Fox News 12:05 am on May 23, 2024

The study found that daily or near-daily marijuana use increased significantly in the U.S., with 17.7 million people reporting such usage by 202, surpassing the count of daily drinkers (14.7 million). This trend has raised concerns about potential addiction and associated psychosis risks. The report highlights evolving public acceptance and changing legal landscapes as contributing factors.

  • Significant rise in marijuana usage: Daily or near-daily consumption increased from 1992 to 202, indicating a fivefold growth.
  • Public health concerns: Increased risk of addiction and psychosis associated with frequent use.
  • Legal changes influence perceptions: With more states legalizing marijuana for recreational or medical purposes, reporting rates may have increased due to decreasing stigma.
  • Shift in public discourse: As acceptance of marijuana use grows, there may be implications for policy and societal views on drug usage.
  • Impact on related industries: The legalization movement influences business sectors, including real estate, media, and finance, as seen with platforms like FOX News adapting to the changing landscape.


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