Big Ai Tech Updates from Openai, Perplexity, Meta, Anthropic, and More

The AI arms race is heating up, with a flurry of major updates from key players this week.
Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute 3:02 pm on June 4, 2024

The OpenAI updates its ChatGPT features for broader accessibility and announced Perplexity's potential $3B valuation, while Meta debates a premium assistant. Anthropic adds Claude's tool interactivity, and IBM unveils Watson X AI assistants, Concer, and Granite models; Fable Studios releases Showrunne for TV show generation and Suno launches version v3 for music creation.

  • OpenAI broadens ChatGPT accessibility
  • Perplexity's $3B potential valuation, Meta's premium assistant considerations
  • Anthropic's AI model with tool interactivity; IBM's new assistants and models
  • Fable Studios Showrunne app for TV show creation, Suno's v3 music generation update

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