Beginning Data Science (7 Day Mini Course)

Data science uses mathematics to analyze data, distill information, and tell a storyData science uses mathematics to analyze data, distill information, and tell a story.
Machine Learning Mastery 1:12 pm on June 4, 2024

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The mini-course covered data preparation for machine learning using Python libraries such as panda and matplotlib, with focus on outlier detection in datasets through statistical tests and visuals. It highlighted the journey from beginner to expert level while emphasizing a professional tone in exploring and interpreting data for insightful conclusions.

  • Outlier Detection: Utilized statistical methods and Python libraries to identify outliers.
  • Learning Journey: Provided a crash course in data science, guiding learners from novice to expert level.
  • Practical Application: Learners applied concepts to real datasets (e.g., life expectancy across countries).
  • Learning Resources: Accessed via the Beginner's Guide to Data Science Ebook, featuring tutorials with working code.

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