A Technique for More Effective Multipurpose Robots

MIT researchers developed a technique to combine robotics training data across domains, modalities, and tasks using
MIT News Machine learning 11:28 am on June 3, 2024

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MIT News covers PoCo research for heterogeneous robot learning with multi-million dollar funding from Amazon, Singapore's DSTA and NSF. Notable speakers share insights to MIT graduates.

  • Research Funding: Multi-million dollar support from industry and agencies for PoCo research on heterogeneous robot learning.
  • Key Contributors' Insights: Senior scientists provide perspectives to MIT graduates, emphasizing the right direction in advancing AI and robotics.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Funded by Amazon, DSTA Singapore, NSF, Toyota Research Institute.
  • MIT Achievements: The Class of 2024 is encouraged to take on challenges and lead with imagination amid uncertainties.
  • Press Coverage: Highlighting the importance of this research in MIT News coverage, reflecting its impact within academia and industry alike.


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