A Crossroads for Computing at Mit

The newly opened MIT Schwarzman College of Computing building will form a new cluster of connectivity across a spectrum
MIT News Machine learning 3:04 am on May 23, 2024

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MIT Schwarzman College of Computing hosts a series of events exploring computing and technology. The building features state-of-the-art design, environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, and community collaboration. It will be celebrated with a dedication ceremony honoring major contributions and donors.

  • Educational Series: MIT hosts various sessions focusing on computing topics.
  • Building Design: The new MIT Schwarzman College of Computing building is modern, sustainable, and supports diverse functions.
  • Sustainability Features: Implementations include LEED Gold certification, green roofs, energy-efficient utilities plant, and water conservation measures.
  • Donor Recognition: The dedication ceremony celebrates Stephen A. Schwarzman's foundational gift and Sebastian Man 7's subsequent contribution.
  • Community Collaboration: Engaging local tenant associations to address housing inequality as part of MITs anti-racism initiative.


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