Ai Directed Drones Could Help Find Lost Hikers Faster

Search and rescue drones are already in use, but planning their search paths is more art than scienceSearch and rescue drones are already in use, but planning their search paths is more art than science.
MIT Technology Review Artificial Intelligence 12:24 am on June 3, 2024

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Matthew Ewers' drone navigation algorithm uses probabilistic maps to identify individuals in search and rescue operations but depends on accurate data, highlighting the need for more comprehensive training sets. Regulatory constraints currently limit drones' potential applications.

  • Drone Navigation Algorithm Development:
  • Probabilistic maps enhance search efficiency but require precise GPS data.
  • Data scarcity is a major issue, necessitating expanded datasets for improved algorithms.
  • Regulations limit drones' operational range and application scope in rescue efforts.
  • The technology holds promise for future expansions beyond current constraints.
  • Collaborations with entities like Police Scotland Air Support Unit could facilitate real-world testing.

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