2024 Mad Design Fellows Announced

The 2024 Design Fellows from MIT Morningside Academy for Design conduct research in sustainability, health,
MIT News Machine learning 11:25 pm on May 21, 2024

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MIT MAD Design Fellows pioneer innovative approaches to design and technology. The fellows are utilizing robotics, multimodal interaction, generative AI, and other cutting-edge practices to advance manufacturing and fabrication. They're also developing research projects with significant societal impactsfrom disaster resilience in Zapotec communities to efficient building designs that reduce carbon footprints.

  • Design Fellows:
  • Robotic assembly and generative AI workflow development.
  • Participatory action research for disaster resilience in Oaxacan communities.
  • Multisensory research bridging digital interfaces and community learning.
  • Designing 3D printed materials with extreme properties.
  • Incorporating design requirements into AI training processes.


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